01/09/2019: “Sweet Sticky” by Theo Parrish

Theo Parrish stands out as a real class act even among his classy techno contemporaries.

Such is his class, that he did a Fine Art degree involving his use of “sonic sculptures”, which to me sound like they were songs…

But his music, cool though it is, is down to earth and accessible dance music. It’s designed for clubs, but works well for a chilled headphone listen too.

“Sweet Sticky” is certainly several minutes of class. Although the song starts off in a strange way, once it gets into its groove, there’s no stopping the sweet rhythmic jiving.

The song is composed of a hypnotic piano riff (or something which could very well be a chopped piano), a gritty and rather industrial bassline, a jazzy drum loop, and a dreamy synth that calls out for Ibizan beaches.

“Sweet Sticky” was released in 1998, on First Floor. 

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