There’s a certain view amongst sections of the Rastafari movement that Black Caribbeans have been stolen from Africa and should one day return, especially back to Zion (Ethiopia).
The belief is strong strong amongst some adherents, that they set up the community of Shashamane in Ethiopia.
“Back To Africa” is a song which propagates the view that the spiritual home of people descended from former slaves is Africa.
The song is a chilled out rootsy affair, with an irresistible flute hook, and some sweet backing vocals.
The band would tend to take turns providing the lead vocals, and here they are provided by Drummie, aka Marvin Gaye, who performs admirably.
The guitar picks delicately, the bass trots up and down, and the drums keep the time without getting too stressed.
The song was released on Aswad’s first LP, called Aswad, in 1976.
This song is so relaxing, yet so engaging. I really can’t overstate how alluring the little flute hook is!
A wonderful song!