06/05/2019: “Pua” by Dengue Dengue Dengue featuring Penya

Peru has an ancient musical tradition stretching back to pre-Columbian times. But it has also absorbed a host of influences from African music, Rock, and Reggae, leading to very diverse scenes and sounds.

Now, it’s the 21st century. Electronic music has a foothold all over the world these days, leading to exciting permutations and mutations as local sounds collide with global bass sensibilities.

Dengue Dengue Dengue are a duo out of Lima, who make bass music with a distinct Cumbia flavour. It’s primal, menacing and groovy all at once!

“Pua” marches forward relentlessly, propelled by the subterranean sub-bass and the hybridised drum section, composed of more traditional layers of Latin percussion and a more contemporary, pulsing dance beat.

The dread horns blare out intermittently, adding a note of unease. The paranoid musings of Penya create a deeply unsettling atmosphere. If the Incans had soundsystems, this is what they would have played at sacrifice time!

The track was released on the Semillero E.P. in 2018.

Quite scary!

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