13/09/2019: “Lord Of Null Lines (Foul Play Remix)” by Hyper On Experience

Foul Play were renowned for their tight drum programming, especially since it was common at the time just to layer breaks and maybe chop/stretch them at points.

It really shows on this one. The drums are so intricate and interesting, like a sonic kaleidoscope spiralling through the night.

As with all classic 1994 jungle, the bassline is a doozy. The 808s beat out a steadfast groove right from the start. Then, about a third of the way through, the bass morphs into a hollow, rounded sound, and is joined by skittish, paranoid synth string hits.

A particular favourite of mine is the echoing bell sound, which underpins the percussion-less section so brilliantly. It’s how a certain kind of jungle ought to be – dark and dangerous.

The original hardcore song was released in 1993, but this remix came out in 1994 backed with a Ray Keith remix.

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