Not to be confused with the equally fantastic ‘Tribute To His Majesty” from Commandments Of Dub Chapter 6 – Deliverance, this chilled out number is found on 1988’s Commandments Of Dub Chapter 8 – Imperial Dub.
There’s rather a lot of dub songs with similar titles, as it happens, due to the genres strong association with rastafari.
The drum section is a measured cacophony, snapping along at a decent pace. There’s a melodica, plus a synth. And, this being a classic roots dub track, there’s a smorgasbord of dubbed out guitar stabs throughout.
I think that’s it. Unless? Is there something I’ve missed out?
Ah yes. The bassline!
The bass part on this one is zippy, relentless, and catchy. There’s enough weight behind it to get speaker cones in a frenzy, but it’s undoubtedly a warm, old school dub bass, like a sonic hug.