07/07/2018: “Superman” by Goldfinger


The post on Madness mentions the 3 major waves, or generations, of Ska. This is from the 3rd wave.

“Superman” is in many ways the standard for a 90s Ska song.

It has the fast tempo, the walking (or rather running!) bass, the jubilant trumpets, the reggae guitar upbeats, the rapid drums with that classic snare, and of course, the pop punk-esque singing.

The song was released in 1997 on Hang-Ups, and was used on Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, increasing its popularity.

It’s feel good music, but at the same time, it does deal with the perennial dilemma of how to keep it all together when everything is hectic.

Even the most blessed people can feel swamped by responsibilities sometimes, I’m sure.

A very bouncy track…


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