11/08/2019: “Morning Blues” by Skream

At his creative height, Skream was a master of tight digi-dub songs. What’s more amazing, is that they are highly distinctive. A Skream song from 2006 sounds like a Skream song from 2006; not a Coki, Kromestar, Rusko, Mala song, but a Skream song.

It’s far too dubstep sounding to be mistaken for actual dub, but that delay fx, that piano riff, that echoey skank… all straight from the dub textbook!

It’s a very relaxing song that makes great use of space, with a warm and heavy bass below, a slow pad in the middle, and the piano at the top rubbing shoulders with the distant echos.

The drums are classic halftime with added dub delay. The hi-hats are particularly dynamic.

“Morning Blues” can be found on Skreamizm Vol. 2, one of Skream’s best Skreamizm E.P.s. It was released in 2006.

So chilled…

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