When this song came out, it was everywhere, to the point where I was a bit tired of it…
However, it was always one of my favourites, and now, more than a decade after its 2006 release, it has aged like a fine whiskey.
It was actually played so much that the band pulled the record from the U.K after it had been number 1 for 9 weeks, making it the most popular song for a decade. As I say, it really was everywhere.
Notwithstanding all that, it’s an amazing song. The punchy bassline, instantly recognisable from the word go, locks down the groove, letting CeeLo Green’s soulful singing fly over Dangermouse’s slick production. The backing vocals in particular are used to stupendous effect!
There’s a live version from the 2005 Movie awards where all the performers are dressed as Star Wars characters, with CeeLo as Darth Vader. Even the drummer is Chewbacca!
You can see why this was such an instant hit!